Individuals and organizations working in the field of anti-trafficking are pioneers, inventors and innovators. Their work developing effective anti-trafficking interventions is challenging.
Many practitioners and struggle with questions and issues, not realizing that within the global anti-trafficking community, someone else likely has already grappled with those same questions and issues and has a potential solution. Have you ever wondered what, if anything, is taught about modern slavery at a secondary school level? Have you wished for examples of screening questions to be asked in hospitals? Or an NGO-law enforcement identification and referral protocol? Are you searching for shelter guidelines or safety planning resources? Do you want more information about how to incorporate basic evaluation techniques in your program? The Global Freedom Center is building a global network of anti-trafficking practitioners and advocates so that your knowledge crosses borders, and your colleagues a world away seemingly become neighbors as you explore solutions to common problems. This networking and resource sharing among peers can help you find answers to your questions, save you time and money, advance your learning and skills, and introduce you to trusted colleagues worldwide. For practitioners just entering the field, it provides you with mentors and virtual apprenticeship helping to accelerate learning, professionalism, and the growth of the movement. Sign up for email updates to be notified about the public launch of the Global Network.